Thursday, November 17, 2016

What's a Soulmate by Lindsey Ouimet

Libby Carmichael has just met her Soulmate. It’s just too bad he’s behind bars.

When you only see the world in black and white until you meet yours, it's pretty simple to figure out when you’ve found your Soulmate. What Libby can't figure out is why fate/destiny/the powers-that-be have decided that Andrew McCormack is her one, true match. Libby is smart, organized, and always has a plan for what's coming next. So when she sees Andrew for the first time and her world is instantly filled with color, she's thrown for a loop.

Namely because he's in a dingy grey jumpsuit.

And handcuffs.

And being booked into a juvenile detention facility.

Surely a boy who's been convicted of a headline-making, violent crime isn't the person she’s meant to be with. There's no way she belongs with someone like that... Right? 

Wow...Surprisingly cute and tough at the same time.

Even if I don't believe about the soulmate crap, the author was able to sell me a really cool story. One that made me wish it was true and that happy endings were possible.

I've liked her characters, especially Libby. Was less a fan of Andrew. Even if the end is a little too on the fairy tale side, it is a good story well written with emotions that reach you every time you go visit Andrew in jail.

I've appreciated the gloomy atmosphere and the author's imagination.
Great discovery!

*Arc provided by Netgalley
I received this book in exchange of a fair and honest review.

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